Tuesday, June 23, 2009


When I go back and read my writing I feel like an 8 year old. Well maybe that last post I can just blame on the cold.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cabin Fever

So this last weekend was rainy and frankly shit all around. Friday night I found myself downtown watching the motorcycle jamboree get rained on. I myself ended up home quite late and quite wet. That turned into a wonderful cold the next day, one I am still fighting. I was house bound for the rest of the weekend. Being housebound I was able to rekindle my love of books. I finished one Gwen Moffatt's "Space Below My Feet", an interesting recount of her climbing career and her life outside the mountains. The next was Steph Davis' "High Infatuation" an interesting look into love and the interesting effects climbing and mountains have within relationships.
The final book was Bree Lowen's "Pickets and Dead Men" a disturbing recount of her three seasons as a Mt. Rainier climbing ranger.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So it looks like the world is taking me to the metropolis of Ely, NV for a year. Should be fun and quite, beautiful scenery, should be able to get a good deal of work done.

On a different topic.
You make me smile.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So its been a bit since the last post. Things have been happening I'm also very happy to say that the rut is gone and done with. I feel forward motion again in my life.
So over the past few weeks I've been to Carson City and become a Tread Lightly Master trainer.
That trip was pretty boring but there was good information to be had.

Then I returned to Elko work a few more days, and after no time at all I was on the road again this time to Escalate, UT and five days of backpacking in the Escalate river gorge. Oh yes and a the Master Leave No Trace educator course that the trip was centered around.

The trip was fantastic, I made several friends and contacts. The scenery was one that I missed greatly. I love lowland deserts and I'm starting to realize that's not the case with my current high desert surroundings.

"Here I take my belongings with me. The picturesque gear of packing, and my gorgeous Navajo saddle blankets make a place my own. But when I go, I leave no trace." - Everett Ruess


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Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.